Posted by: kelsydawn | February 2, 2012

Week 34

Week 34

Cantaloupe (weight)
Almost 18 inches, about 4.75 lbs
Baby Changes (Source:
Her fat layers – which she’ll need to regulate her body temperature once she’s born – are filling out, making her rounder. Her central nervous system is maturing & her lungs are continuing to mature as well.
Best Moment this Week
Getting some things done! I  got all of her clothes up to 3 months washed, as well as all the sheets/blankets/bath towels/burp rags. Tyler is in the process of painting the crib and dresser. The weather set us back this week since he’s been doing it outside to keep out the fumes. We have baby stuff ALL over the house and my eye twitches at it every day. I hate clutter. But it takes time..
Also, I am now working from home full-time! A huge blessing since I am dealing with morning sickness and dizziness. And I can get things done on my lunch break.
Girl – Bethany Ann 
She is in the oddest position and she seems to love being there since she never moves out of it! She is sideways with her back facing my left side and feet kicking out at my right ribs. Movements still slow but consistent and lots of stretching. Her wake/sleep periods are getting more predictable.
Food Craving
Water. Finally, I am turned off of sugar again. Wanting more protein and veggies.
Oh sleep….. I am always tired. I fall asleep quickly. It’s the staying asleep that is difficult. Thanks to my reflux, need to pee, and now my hips aching like an old ladies. They HURT. And crack whenever I switch positions. Speaking of switching positions and/or getting up out of bed… I could use an extra pair of hands to do it without hurting. Yikes.
What I am looking forward to
At this point….I am looking forward to March and having my little girl! I cannot wait to eventually sleep on my stomach again! Oh how I miss sleeping on my stomach. Or my back without feeling like I’m suffocating. 
Nausea, back pain, legs fall asleep easily, tired, hips hurt, reflux, Braxton Hicks. And now, pregnancy brain. It’s bad! I thought I had gotten out of it…but no. It hit me hard this past week.. I am grateful to have a husband with a good sense of humor… considering most of my pregnancy brain affects him.

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